It’s not so much about obedience, it’s about image and liability.
If JW's disobeyed the CDC guidelines and continued attending meetings and going from door to door, they'd be known as Covid's Witnesses (not a good image).
so a co just said in his talk yesterday that anyone that doesn't follow the branch's covid19 "suggestions" is disobedient and the type of person that won't survive armageddon.
didn't the letter say that each head of household would choose for himself how to apply the "suggestions"?.
the funny thing is there are other countries where none of these "suggestions" have been given..
It’s not so much about obedience, it’s about image and liability.
If JW's disobeyed the CDC guidelines and continued attending meetings and going from door to door, they'd be known as Covid's Witnesses (not a good image).
found this on one of the exjw reddit pages.
a "hilarious" group photo.
another sign that this isnt the same religion we remembered of the 80s and 90s - and i dont mean that in a good, progressive way.. you can just smell the virginity oozing out of the front and back row.. .
This is either a bunch of Pioneers who had a normal group picture taken and were asked to do a " crazy photo" just for fun...
This photo was taken moments after the overlapping generation concept was explained to them for the first time.
after further review and thought, i really don't see how removing a monument or statue that may be truly offensive to a large group of people is in some way rewriting history.. i think of germany or other parts of europe.
you don't see swastikas on buildings or statues of hitler or mussolini or other upper level generals in public.
would it be good for a person (think jewish) to drive around a city and see hitler in a public park, even though it is "historical?
I think if we look at any countries history it will be full of offensive and barbaric things that the then leaders did even though at the time they were considered heroic. I was at a museum exhibit that displayed ancient Greek and Roman statues and I asked the tour guide why it was that these beautiful statues were always uncovered by archeologists. How did they wind up under so many layers of dirt?. He said that when each empire fell during some sort of uprising, the next group would pull down all the statues and bury them or just dump them and they'd become covered with sand and dirt over time. As the centuries passed, all was forgiven and old grudges forgotten and the modern people could took these statues at their face value. The U.S. is too new for that yet and there are those who are bearing a grudge even though as bad as they may think it is, what those people did, led us to the modern things we enjoy today even though there are some bad memories left over and things that still need to change. They were doing what they thought at the time was the natural/normal thing to do.
Because we have so little history, part of me thinks it would be a shame to loose the relics of the past especially since we are able to understand that the things that were done back then wouldn't fly today and nobody is truing to bring them back. I think most people can live with these historical places but there are those who want revenge and they'll never be satisfied because there's no way to undo the past and they really don't want to get past this issue. It seems like they might loose part of their identity if they didn't have this grudge to bear.
I'm glad no one tore down what's left of the Mayan ruins because of the horrific things they did to women and children and neighboring peoples. They serve as a reminder of how far humans have come even though we have a long way to go.
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
If someone comes to you in grief and says that there mom just died, it would be insensitive to respond with, “so what! My mom died too and you don’t see me crying and grieving like you are!”
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
In conclusion, I have not denied your experiences. Please don’t deny my experiences or the experiences of millions of people of color.
Did I deny your experience or the experiences of millions of people of color? If you read my post again you’ll see that all I did was relate my own experiences with injustices and unfairness as a white man. You decided that I was denying your experiences, all by your self.
Nobody is trying to point the finger at anybody
Thats exactly what you’re doing when you call an entire race of people that you don’t even know, privileged « across the board regardless of their personal circumstances. Isn’t it the height of racism to paint an entire race of people with the same broad brush?
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
When I was a Jehovah’s Witness we were told the world hated us And I saw evidence of it everywhere. Now I realize that no one even knew we existed… So where did all that hatred go that I once was sure was there?
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
This issue is not to guilt trip white people.
Do you think it's helpful to tell someone who did every kind of unpleasant job and struggled to get everything he got, that he's privileged? Especially when there are so many people of color who are doing well and wouldn't stoop to doing any kind of unpleasant job themselves?
can’t tell you about the many times someone has exclaimed to me, “oh, you speak so well!” which is code for, “oh! I don’t expect a black man to be so articulate! I’m surprised!”
How awful....someone chose a poorly though out way of complimenting you.
I can’t tell you about the times people have assumed I like listening to rap music. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been greeted by a white person with a “yo, yo ,yo” or “wasSUUP” or any other stereotypical African American vernacular that the person assumed I spoke and tried to fit in an be “cool” with me.
Can't tell you how many times as grown man black people have told me that I dance pretty well for a WHITE BOY? You're kinda cute for a WHITE BOY ?? I didn't think White people liked spicy food.
I can’t tell you about the many times a white women has visibly clutched her purse as I joined her in an elevator,
I'm blonde haired blue eyed Brad Pitt lookin baby faced male and I can't tell you how many times women have crossed an empty street when they've seen me coming toward them. How many women have pulled their children in close when I got on an elevator with them. How many times I've been doing the speed limit and pulled over by a white police officer simply because I was in a sporty car and was young. I had a tail light burned out and was afraid I'd get a ticket so I immediately went into an auto parts store to get a bulb. I went outside and began changing my tail light and two police cars suddenly surrounded me and demanded my I.D and wanted to know what I was doing. I got annoyed with them and one of them lunged toward me but fortunately his partner pulled him back otherwise I'd have had my ass kicked. Another time I was driving through my JW friends neighborhood at night and the cops pulled me over because there had been a robbery and they wanted to know what I was doing in that neighborhood.
Just because you don't hear about police injustice to whites doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's just that we're privileged and no one cares. It doesn't sell advertising to put such things on the news.
If you're conditioned to see racism, you'll find it every where you go even if it isn't there.
"You Can Find Ants At Any Picnic If You Look Hard Enough"
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
This whole thread is a study in white privilege and mostly white male privilege. It’s hard to wrap your head around the validity of this issue (that is: People of Color have a different experience with law enforcement than white people) when you are the one enjoying privilege
This reminds me of when certain women try to feel extra virtuous by holding it over men's heads that they couldn't possibly know what it's like to have a baby and therefore any complaint or ailment men may have or hardship they may endure is null and void by comparison. This is often their only claim to fame and the only reason they have it is because they happened to be born female. It wasn't through any special talent of their own. Oddly enough, they don't throw this up into the face of a woman who like men, can't have a baby and can't know what that experience is like....they reserve this little chestnut for men only because that's all they have.
Men cannot have babies but we can well empathize what it must be like to experience such a thing but there's noting we can do except try to was their pain and be as helpful as possible. Many men have developed medications and procedures to assist women in childbirth Men do experience pain and mens lives are not generally filled with days of blissful comfort and ease. Thankfully the majority of women realize this but no matter what, there'll be the weak minded ones who have no other claim to fame who will always throw that in men faces as often as possible.
Women have been "underprivileged" throughout history and Men (including black men) are therefore considered privileged compared to women. I would ask Black Men if they should feel guilty for their privilege over women and does it make you want to help women more when they jeeringly undermine and dismiss the struggles you've endured? What are they doing on a daily basis to rid themselves of their male privilege? Who is more under priveleged, a white woman because of her gender or a black man because of his color?
There are inequities in this world that need to be sorted out but I'm always a bit suspicious of anyone or any group who blames their struggles or problems entirely on outside forces and rarely mentions their own role in the problem and who's efforts primarily involve changing everyone but themselves.
If every white person disappeared from the face of the earth, there would still be those who did well and those who claimed that things were unjust. If every Man disappeared from the face of the earth, there would be women who preyed upon the weaker and or disadvantaged women.
The other day I heard a black man from a predominately black area on the news say "Every day when I leave my house, I never know if I'm going to make it home again or if I'm going to be killed by a police man". I'd say this is a bit of an exaggeration and would ask him who he would call if he heard someone breaking into his house and I'd ask him who is more likely to commit a violent crime against him, steal his car or break into his house, a police officer or one of his neighbors?
There are studies that show that if every man woman and child were given a million dollars, within a year the same folks as before would be broke and the same folks would be doing well. I have a feeling that if we got rid of all white police men and hired only black folks for the job, we'd end up with the same situation we have now because the police have the thankless, impossible never ending job of dealing with folks who simply aren't willing to follow any kind of rule unless they're forced into it. It's very evident during these periods of unrest how many people there are who are 2 seconds away from being the lawless individuals they really are once they got the chance.
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
Black Lives Matter- Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
I don't know what their "philosophy" is and just have to assume they have one.
All I know is that the slogan "Black Lives Matter" I "get it" but it seems like it's stating the obvious.
When I see the slogan "Black Lives Matter" on a sign or bumper sticker, the smart ass in me has the urge to get a marker and write on it.
( I Just Realized That ) "BLACK LIVES MATTER"
"BLACK LIVES MATTER" ( and who said they didn't?)
"Black Lives Matter" ( so what else is new?)
"Black Lives Matter" ( this sign proves I'm a good person and It makes me feel extra virtuous )
with all the black lives matters stuff going on i was wondering why would a mostly white gb splash a picture of an all white heavenly group of white europeans.
ask some of your pimi relatives that one..
I'm always happily surprised at how many JW's are black and also curious at to why most "celebrity" JW's are black people.
If Jehovah's Witnesses were founded by a group of black men in the 1800's and all of the doctrines and policies were the same as they are now, I wonder how many white people would have become JW's? I mean, isn't it God's Holy Spirit that draws people to the truth, rather than those who are taking the lead?